Friday, August 29, 2008

great article

i've been reading "the simple dollar" through my rss feeder for a while now, and they have great articles about finances, etc.

this article today was very good. i haven't had the time to read through it entirely, but it's about luck, life events and their impacts, and perspective. definitely worth a read. i'm bookmarking it to finish later on.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

arm and hammer baking soda change...?

check out this article from the consumerist. it contains a response from the arm and hammer folks about why, all of a sudden, they say you have to change the box of baking soda in the fridge or freezer once a month instead of once every three months, as had previously been encouraged.

muy interesante...

Monday, August 11, 2008

cake wrecks

i've been reading this blog for about a week now, and i'd be remiss if i didn't share.

cake wrecks shares some of the most awful, hilarious, creepy, gross, sad cakes ever made. now, they aren't so cruel as to make fun of amateurs trying something fun and not doing a very good job of it -- they only show stuff from professional bakeries/cakeries. and it's amazing some of the stuff that comes through. most of the pictures featured are either; 1 - bad design ideas (e.g., pregnant lady bikini torso) or 2 - awful execution of basics (e.g., spelling, grammar, following directions). a quick dose of funny, highly recommended.

an sample:

america's hardest drinking cities

here's the list

Forbes' 15 Hardest Drinking Cities

  • 1. Austin, TX
  • 2. Milwaukee, WI
  • 3. San Francisco, CA
  • 4. Providence, R.I.
  • 5. Chicago, IL
  • 8. (tie) Seattle, WA, Cleveland, OH, St. Louis, MO
  • 9. Boston, MA
  • 10. Cincinnati, OH
  • 11. Pittsburgh,PA
  • 12. Virginia Beach, VA
  • 13. Portland, OR
  • 14. Jacksonville, FL
  • 15. Detroit, MI

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?

He sold his soul to Santa.