Tuesday, January 08, 2008

not sure about this quote

"In order to have the body you want you have to hate the body you have."

i'm not sure where this quote originated, but i found it on some triathlon forums. any thoughts on this? i don't agree with it. hate is an awfully strong word. i guess i think i can work toward the body i want and still be relatively satisfied with where i'm at currently. i can understand the concept: that unless you feel strongly about making a change, you will have a harder time sticking with it and attaining your goals. however, i think it's unhealthy to HAVE to have that mentality to change. i think that would be a terrible way to go through life - to be unable to change something unless you hate it. i can look at myself and see things that i'd like to change, but i don't need to hate those things about myself. i should eat better, but i don't HATE how i eat currently. i could be fitter, but i don't HATE how i feel or how i look. it seems like i would spend a lot of time being unhappy if i require hatred for self-improvement.

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