somebody here is eating an orange and it smells SO GOOD. it reminds me of when heath and i were just in florida visiting his grandma. (i need to post more about it and post some pics soon!) she has grapefruit and orange trees in her yard and they had more fruit on them than a person could possibly eat in a year. it was so great! in the morning, i walked outside and grabbed an orange off the tree and ate it. it was so fresh and juicy. yum! heath's grandma picks them and juices them, then freezes the juice since there's no way anyone can eat all that. i wish i were back there now, pigging out on fresh oranges... much better than the cold ick here. i usually don't mind winter all that much, but all this snow is starting to wear on me. i should use some citrusy lotions or something to help cope...
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago