Wednesday, April 30, 2008

okay, i'm no expert...


apparently a group of scientists have found several brand new species of animals in brazil...which is actually pretty cool. amazing that they are managing to continually find new creatures on this planet that seems to be getting smaller by the day!

that being said, take a look at one of the newbies - a "legless lizard"...

now, i read the article, but must be missing something. is anybody going to speak up and go - um, hey - we've found legless lizards before.. they're called SNAKES. the article's authors admit that it looks like a snake, but nowhere do they explain how this is NOT a snake. what makes it a lizard and not a snake? there is probably some very good reason, which a very smart lizard-ologist could explain to me. on the surface, however, this is pretty humorous... i think i might just set out to discover a new species...

wait... there's one! look!

i discovered a new animal! it's a gigantic, furry, warm blooded, super friendly and adorable lizard! yay me!

science guys, if you'll be so kind to leave a comment, i'll contact you to let you know where to send my generous animal discovering check. :)