Tuesday, July 29, 2008


i finally did it. i worked up the nerve, checked the box, signed my form, and faxed it over to kellogg to let them know i'll be attending in the fall. i'm a little (a lot) nervous, but am pretty excited (also a lot), and feel better now that i've gone through with actually sending the decision off.

i found out today that i got into depaul as well, which is great, but i just can't pass up the opportunity to go to kellogg. both are good schools, but i've got a number of reasons that i'm going the direction that i am. i'm going to get a great education and get to meet and work with great people.

it'll be a tough 2.5-ish years, but i'm sure it will be totally worth it in the end. i'll try to keep up the posting even though i'll be super busy!