most of the people that read this blog (all 4 or so of you) probably would never need this feature, but i thought it was super clever and wanted to share it. gmail offers a tool through google labs called mail goggles. while the description doesn't come right out and say it, this tool is to keep you from making the email equivalent to a drunk dial.
if you attempt to send an email between certain hours of the night (e.g., midnight to 4 am - you can set the times), the system will make you answer three math problems correctly before allowing you to send the message. the general idea is that if you aren't mentally adept enough to answer the math problems (perhaps due to consuming more than a little alcohol), there is a reasonable chance that the email would be one you may regret in the morning.
how clever is that!?
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago