Friday, February 06, 2009


this post from the freakonomics blog pretty well sums up my feelings about the housing bailout stuff. heath and i have chatted a bit about this and why we are particularly frustrated by the bailouts. we are paying for other people's/corporation's poor choices. this is especially frustrating because we're not homeowners. we're not homeowners specifically because we didn't want to purchase a place beyond our means. so, despite making the financially prudent choice to wait until we had more money (or lived in a more affordable locale) before buying a home, we are still paying the price for those less responsible. my sympathies if any of you who read this are in trouble because your home has lost value or your ARM is exploding your housing payments. i certainly don't want anybody to lose their home. i do think, however, that it's unfair for me to be expected to help pay for it when the loss is due to improper lending practices and/or irresponsibility/lack of accountability on the part of the borrowers.