Wednesday, January 24, 2007

my other blog

okay, it's time to open the gate to my other blog. i've been documenting my training and triathlon related info on that blog so as not to get all muddled with my other types of entries on this one. even though "i so don't need a blog," i apparently need two. go figure. i really just think that the training one is specific enough to warrant its own space. i try to update the other blog to keep track of how the training is going in general, even when it's sucking (which, believe it or not, is sucky to write about). i've not shared it for a bit because i've not been sure how much i would put on it, and i was kind of afraid of looking like a dope with my low training volumes, etc.

i'm also adding a link to it in the margin. i have a link to my myspace page on my other blog, so i'm adding one here as well.

why... people clip their fingernails at work. that characteristic nail-clipping noise is coming from the next cube section over. i can understand clipping a snagged or broken nail just to clean it up, but i can tell this is the whole set. gross. just gross.

on a more pleasant note, my birthday is going surprisingly well. i typically don't like it, and was expecting this one to be particularly ugh, but it's actually alright. i got lots of goodies (read: junk food) from my coworkers: 2 cakes, 3 bags of chips, 3 jars of salsa, 1 tub of chip dip, big box o' munchkins, a dozen bagels, 2 things of cream cheese, bag of pretzels, bag of goldfish, jar of caramel sauce (for one of the cakes), box of fancy pastries, and plate of cookies, oh and a box of chocolates. i also got a really pretty flower delivery: countless pink mini-roses with babies breath in a cute pink vase. well done. smells wonderful, too. i cant decide if i should leave it here or bring it home.

if only i were brave enough

i saw this on uncrate this morning and just loved it. $5 for a pack of 25 "you are a douche" cards to hand out to people who are rude or whatever. it's just so subtle and insulting. i can just imagine the look on some jerk's face if he were handed one of these. talk about priceless. then take that priceless x 25. i just think i'm too nice to actually have the guts to give one out.

Monday, January 22, 2007


so, work has been going pretty well. i've been working with my boss on a rather high profile subcommittee (read: everybody is waaaay higher ranking than me). i don't have a lot of responsibility on the committee, but i do go to all the meetings and diligently do what is required and asked of me. anyway...

as part of this committee, my boss and i have been having meetings with various "key" individuals in the central office (senior and executive vice presidents, the president himself, etc etc). these meetings have been very cool for me since these are important folks i might not have met otherwise.

we had a meeting today with a fairly highly ranking individual (executive vice president of something or another). throughout the meeting, i took my notes and listened to (and completely understood - this becomes important later) his comments/ideas/theories/suggestions/etc. as he talked. at the end of the meeting, as my boss and i thanked him and left, this gentleman made a comment, in a joking manner, insinuating that i probably didn't understand what he had said and would shortly be asking my boss to explain it to me.

now, i'm not one to take quick offense in most situations, and i certainly am not one to be hyper vigilant and sensitive to or out looking for potentially sexist/ age-ist/ whatever-ist comments like some people do. that being said, while the comment was presented in a joking manner, i found it fairly rude and i got the definite impression that he was assuming that i was not able to "keep up" with the discussion at hand. false.

was it because i'm a girl, because i'm young? i liked this guy until he said that, now he just seems ignorant and chauvinistic. what a crappy way to start the week. so that was my rant. grrr. does this mean i really am smarter than i look? i'm not sure how i feel about that...