...do people clip their fingernails at work. that characteristic nail-clipping noise is coming from the next cube section over. i can understand clipping a snagged or broken nail just to clean it up, but i can tell this is the whole set. gross. just gross.
on a more pleasant note, my birthday is going surprisingly well. i typically don't like it, and was expecting this one to be particularly ugh, but it's actually alright. i got lots of goodies (read: junk food) from my coworkers: 2 cakes, 3 bags of chips, 3 jars of salsa, 1 tub of chip dip, big box o' munchkins, a dozen bagels, 2 things of cream cheese, bag of pretzels, bag of goldfish, jar of caramel sauce (for one of the cakes), box of fancy pastries, and plate of cookies, oh and a box of chocolates. i also got a really pretty flower delivery: countless pink mini-roses with babies breath in a cute pink vase. well done. smells wonderful, too. i cant decide if i should leave it here or bring it home.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago