Tuesday, October 23, 2007

daily gratitude

(i've been so busy that my only posts have been these. at least it's something... heath posted on our mexico vacation here. i'll have pictures and a post soon. life is fairly hectic right now, so posting will be light. hopefully things settle down once we hit november.)

i'm grateful for my family. i think i've said it before, but i'm grateful for how thoughtful and caring they are. the past couple of days i was reminded how supportive they are and the extent to which they make time and effort to show their concern/caring whenever anybody in the family (or close friends or family of friends - you get the idea) faces a challenging or sad situation. these days few people think outside of their immediate worlds and individual troubles, but my family takes the time to communicate their care for people who are hurting, sometimes even when they've never actually met those people. it's very appreciated.