Thursday, December 20, 2007

candidates and their gadgets

from the "who really cares" file...via Reuters
i think this is how voters age 18-35 should decide whom to vote for. i know i find this information invaluable!

The Associated Press asked the presidential candidates to name their favorite electronic gadgets.

Their answers:


New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: iPod

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: iPod

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: BlackBerry

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: BlackBerry, “my Crackberry.”


Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: CD player

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: “Probably my laptop. Or my bass guitar and amplifier.”

Arizona Sen. John McCain: Razr cell phone and the TV remote

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: BlackBerry

Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson: iPod

iPods and Blackberries seem to be the top items. What the heck is
Giuliani doing with a CD player? 1995 called and it wants it’s portable
music technology back. McCain’s still using a RAZR and his tv remote,
he needs an upgrade as well.

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