Wednesday, April 11, 2007

euros and snow

getting closer and closer to leaving for ireland (17 days to be exact), and i'm trying to wrap up the last few loose ends before the trip. i braved the stupid ridiculous awful sleety snowy crappy weather to go to the bank and order my euros today. i think i got enough. i plan on paying for a number of things on credit so that i'm not carrying around a ton of cash. pete is supplying me with a list of the places we will be going and contact numbers for places we will likely be staying, so that people back home will be able to know where we are and hopefully reach us without too much difficulty, should they need to. he will also have his cell phone (which works internationally) and his blackberry (which i can borrow for email whenever i want to), so i should be able to stay in touch enough. there are also internet cafes so maybe i can even blog once or twice while i'm there! i still need to pick up a plug adapter and a journal. i'm thinking of bringing a book or two if i have room... any suggestions?