okay i'm going a little bonkers today. i feel like my head isn't quite on straight for some reason, and am feeling stressed out with really no good reason. i think it is partly because today has been sort of up and down. i've been beating my head against a wall all day trying to make progress on a tedious project at work. i had to scramble to get my sister a spot in the chicago marathon (see our blog here). then, it took me six tries to get through to passport services to inquire about the status of my application. it sounds like i will have it in time, since it is supposed to be mailed out today. they are even being kind enough to send via overnight shipping since it was hanging around in their system so long and i'm quickly coming up on my departure date (which is undoubtedly also contributing to my anxiety-ish-ness today). i missed lost last night, so i definitely want to try to see that online at abc.com. from the little clippits i saw as i was messing with my new skype stuff and trying to help heath get his to work, it looked like a good one.
i also have the spring cleaning bug, and not getting as much accomplished on that project last night as i'd have liked is eating at me. tonight i'm going to try to get through my living room/coat closet and my bathroom/linen closet. we'll see how it goes!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago