Tuesday, March 20, 2007

freaked me out

i am soo tired this morning. i got hardly any sleep because i had this series of weird scary dreams that kept waking me up. they were all variations on a theme. somebody/something was trying to get at me and either pull me somewhere or keep me from moving/going somewhere. the one i had the hardest time getting back to sleep from was where i was pinned down and unable to get up. i woke up and still felt like i was pinned down, unable to move, and then all of a sudden the "weight" released and i was okay. it was the weirdest sensation. i think it was sleep paralysis, so a fairly normal phenomenon (and actually quite interesting), but it still freaked me out big time. i'd never experienced it before, and i couldn't help but think it was some spooky ghost living in my apartment - eek!