interestingly, i've had a number of conversations with various people lately about the whole tiny = cute thing. being not tiny, it definitely resonates. now, i know that you don't have to be tiny to be cute. that is, tiny is not a pre-requisite for cuteness. (i have to believe that; otherwise me and the rest of my amazonian family are scuh-rewed as far as cuteness is concerned). but it seems that anything (or anyone) tiny has a cuteness advantage, if you will. like, if cuteness were scored on a scale of 1-100, they would get to start with an extra 30 or so points, regardless of their "actual" (i.e., non-size related) cuteness.
so, that is why my sister and i emit a disdainful sigh when we see some cute tiny girl in her cute tiny clothes. it's not that we hate these girls or dislike ourselves, it's just that we are reminded of that point disadvantage that we were born into.
but we can totally reach the top shelves in the kitchen and kick those tiny cute people's butts in volleyball, so i guess it all evens out. plus, i'd rather be hot than cute. ha!